The Hall of Judgement: Sólstafir - Svartir Sandar

shadowdoom9 requested that this release be submitted into the Hall of Judgement.

Request: With a result of 5 Yes to 1 No & due to it no longer meeting the minimum requirements for admission to the clan, shadowdoom9 (Andi)'s request to have Sólstafir's "Svartir Sandar" album removed from The Fallen while remaining in The Infinite has been passed..

This change has seen the Atmospheric Sludge Metal genre removed from this release.

Member Comment: "This album is just pure post-metal/rock, and not sludge metal by any means. I'm submitting Sólstafir's Svartir Sandar to be removed from The Fallen while keeping its existing position in the Infinite."

NOTE: Only members of The Fallen and/or The Infinite could vote on this judgement.

Hall info

Voting completed

Clans can vote
The Fallen
The Infinite
The Hall of Judgement: Sólstafir - Svartir Sandar Cover