The Hall of Judgement: Sepultura - Quadra
Daniel has requested that this release be submitted into the Hall of Judgement. If you agree with the below change request, vote YES. If you don't, vote NO.
Request: Sepultura's "Quadra" album should be added to The Infinite while maintaining its position in The Pit.
This change will add the Progressive Metal genre to the release.
Member Comment: "Sepultura's fifteenth album is much more progressive than anything I've heard from them before, so much so that I'd suggest that Progressive Metal is the most prominent genre to appear in a track-by-track genre-tagging exercise. For that reason, I'd like to see 'Quadra' added to The Infinite under the Progressive Metal genre."
NOTE: Only members of The Infinite and/or The Pit could vote on this judgement. Once 15 votes of Yes or No have been entered, the Hall will make its judgement.
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