The Hall of Judgement: Gigantic Brain - The Invasion Discography

Daniel has requested that this release be submitted into the Hall of Judgement. If you agree with the below change request, vote YES. If you don't, vote NO.

Request: Gigantic Brain's "The Invasion Discography" album should be added to The Infinite on top of its existing position in The Horde.

This change will add the Avant-Garde Metal genre to the release.

Member comment: "While it unquestionably belongs in The Horde, Gigantic Brain's debut album offers a sci-fi inspired brand of goregrind that revels in taking you into the weird & avant-garde through head-caving electronic dissonance & over-the-top artificial blast-beats. It all sounds so strange that I feel a dual tagging with Avant-Garde Metal is essential to accurately reflect what's in store for the unsuspecting listener so I'd like to see it added to The Infinite."

NOTE: Only members of The Infinite &/or The Horde can vote on this judgement. Once 15 votes of Yes or No have been entered, the Hall will make its judgement.

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The Infinite
The Hall of Judgement: Gigantic Brain - The Invasion Discography Cover