Gigantic Brain - The Invasion Discography (2004)Release ID: 20554

Now if I ever had my doubts about the authenticity of the Cybergrind subgenre & it's credentials for qualification into The Horde then the 2004 debut full-length from Virginia's Gigantic Brain has well & truly put those to bed. "The Invasion Discography" is an enormous release that features a ridiculous 63 tracks spanning an exhausting 59 minutes. Essentially what you can expect here is a sci-fi inspired brand of goregrind that revels in taking you into the weird & avant-garde through head-caving electronic dissonance & over-the-top artificial blast-beats. Gigantic Brain certainly don't take themselves too seriously but they can also come across as fairly disposable for that very reason as there's really very little of substance here. The vocals aren't too bad, despite pushing the threshold of the silly & absurd at times.
"The Invasion Discography" is actually a compilation of all of the Gigantic Brain's work up until that time & it's not too hard to hear where one project ends & another begins as the production & volume can be a little variable. The tracklisting actually begins with a lot of promise as I quite enjoy the majority of the first twelve or so tracks. Unfortunately I suspect that those represented the newest material on offer as the remainder of the release sees a noticeable drop in quality & excitement with a fair chunk of the tracks bordering on self-indulgence or repetition. There's no doubt that I enjoy the extremity of Gigantic Brain's sound but when they fail to engage me it's generally because they've gotten too silly, have opted for annoying electronic sounds or have included some fairly bouncy, almost nu metal-ish chug riffs.
Overall, I'd suggest that "The Invasion Discography" is simply too ambitious for it's own good. It doesn't work as an album because it's far too long & the material is inconsistent. I think Gigantic Brain would have been far better off releasing this material in bit-sized chunks, particularly the first portion of the album which is actually pretty good.
Release info
Grindcore |
Cybergrind Voted For: 1 | Against: 0 |