The Hall of Judgement: Spiritbox - Eternal Blue
Saxy S has requested that this release be submitted into the Hall of Judgement. If you agree with the below change request, vote YES. If you don't, vote NO.
Request: Spiritbox's Eternal Blue should be added to The Revolution while remaining in The Gateway.
This change would also add the Metalcore genre to this release
Member Comment: "I recently listened to the debut LP from Canadian alt-metal/metalcore Spiritbox entitled Eternal Blue and I have to admit I am surprised how many review websites are not referring to this as a Metalcore album. RYM currently has metalcore as a subgenre rather than right there at the top, and I do not think that there is much of a question that it is. The breakdown passages are blatant and sound like simplified versions of Periphery tracks. The only reason this is being pushed as alternative metal is because of Courtney LaPlante's sweet melodic vocals. Considering how many of my metalcore circles are singing this band's praises, I believe that Eternal Blue belongs among The Revolution clan as Melodic Metalcore as well as The Gateway."
NOTE: Only members of The Gateway and/or The Revolution can vote on this judgement. Once 15 votes of Yes or No have been entered, the Hall will make its judgement.
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