Private Message Emails

First Post March 24, 2021 06:09 PM

Hi Ben, I realized that when I have private message email notifications on, the email title reads "You received a private message from Xephyr", even though it was someone else sending it. Inside the email itself it's correct, saying "You received a private message from insert account name here", maybe a mix-up in the code for the email subject lines?


The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 24, 2021 08:58 PM

Hi Ben, I realized that when I have private message email notifications on, the email title reads "You received a private message from Xephyr", even though it was someone else sending it. Inside the email itself it's correct, saying "You received a private message from insert account name here", maybe a mix-up in the code for the email subject lines?


Quoted Xephyr

Thanks. Will check it out at some point.