The Nocturne Live

First Post August 30, 2021 03:07 AM

If anyone read my intro post from way back in the day, they'll know I used to do a radio show (The Nocturne) for a two different college stations, one where I graduated from and one locally after obtaining my degree in order to try and keep the spark alive. It didn't work out in the end and I've been trying to figure out a way to get that same sort of magic back, so here's my next attempt after podcasting didn't work out whatsoever. It sucks that the internet has to deal with ludicrous DMCA restrictions so I can't actually play any actual music, but talking about it is still fun. 

I'll be posting the VOD's here if anyone is interested and don't really know what the schedule will be, maybe bi-weekly or monthly? Hoping to up the production values as I go but for now, enjoy the first scuffed episode of me just showing up with a massive stream of my face and a few pictures of album covers. It doesn't look like I can directly link Twitch VOD's so check out the text below, appreciate it. 

The Nocturne Live - Ep. 1 

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
August 30, 2021 06:22 AM

Hey, this is pretty cool Xephyr! You've definitely got a voice for radio (and that's not a comment about your face haha!). It's really great to actually see / hear you after reading so many of your posts / reviews.

It's a shame that you can't include some tracks or even partial tracks. Thanks for the Metal Academy mention!

Also, props for including Perturbator. :yum:

August 30, 2021 01:15 PM

Good stuff although I am disappointed to see that not everyone on here is really a cat like me.

August 30, 2021 04:14 PM

I had to break the illusion, the cat assumptions have been going on for way too long. 

But yeah, Twitch is fickle with music, especially if I want to throw the VOD's around places. They'll automatically mute portions of your VOD that their automated sweepers deem to be "DMCA'able", and since I play music over most of my streams, I get a decent idea of what gets flagged and what doesn't. It's a complete crap shoot, with most obscure Thrash and Death Metal able to get past but something like Battle Dagorath got muted completely, which I honestly couldn't believe. It only takes a few seconds for the system to decide whether to mute it, so having any sort of track play would be pretty catastrophic since I'd lose my audio as well and the highlights could be flagged, taken down, or be used for a strike against my channel. Just gotta do the best I can. :neutral_face:

September 14, 2021 04:35 PM

New VOD on the text below. Really impromptu one this time since my weekend plans got completely screwed up. Talked about one or two of the Monthly Features, the regrettable Cauldron Born situation, and a few new releases I've found in the past week. Forgot to talk about the subgenre discussion I started though, I'll have to catch up on that tonight.

The Nocturne Live - Ep. 2