Taking a short review break (album reviews out, book review in)
Hey all Metal Academy members! Just wanna let you know I'm taking a break from listening to full albums and writing album reviews for 8 days (January 8-15), so you're not gonna see any new reviews throughout that time. The reason I decided to take that break is because once again I had a bit of a turbulent situation with my parents when I was about to finish the review I made earlier today, so I decided to take a break from doing any album reviewing. There are actually two more album reviews I'm still gonna do (https://metal.academy/lists/single/78), so I'll write them tomorrow then start my break. This would also be a good time to finally finish writing my personal History of Heavy Metal commentary and working on my review for that book (mentioned here: https://metal.academy/forum/23/thread/616?page=1#topic_5157). Yep, I'm still planning on doing my book review! And the reason I chose the last day of my break to be January 15 is because the new Edenbridge compilation album The Chronicles of Eden Part 2 is gonna come out on that day, and in the following weekend, I plan on getting that album so I can revisit that symphonic power metal band I abandoned years ago when escaping my earlier epic metal taste. I'll also pick up a couple band discographies along the way. So yeah, I'm still around, but for now, no new album reviews from me. Stay tuned for my great big book review!