Metalized popular song covers
I've heard some of you aren't really fans of song covers, but I think there are some other members of this site (such as myself) who are tired of hearing the same boring radio pop frappe practically everywhere. So I found a couple YouTube playlists of some of the best metal covers of pop songs. These covers are the best (at least for me) because now you get to hear some of the most popular songs in the world in a genre you really love like metal, and like I said before, NOT the song's original style. The first playlist is for metalheads in the "Epic Side", and the second playlist is for those in the "Island of the Revolution" (metalcore) and the "Rebel Sea" (post-hardcore/screamo):
Best metal covers of pop songs:
Metal Academy clan map (if you don't know what I'm talking about when describing the playlists):
If there's a metalized pop song cover you like that isn't in one of the two playlists, please let me know. Enjoy!