May 2022 "The Infinite" Playlist - Metal Academy Radio

First Post May 01, 2022 08:00 AM

01. Nevermore - "Sentient 6" (from This Godless Endeavour)

02. Between the Buried and Me - "Informal Gluttony" (from Colors)

03. Meshuggah - "Broken Cog" (from Immutable)

04. Ayreon - "Everybody Dies" (from The Source)

05. Fallujah - "The Void Alone" (from Dreamless)

06. Cynic - "6th Dimensional Archetype" (from Ascension Codes)

07. White Ward - "Leviathan" (from Leviathan)

08. Evergrey - "Barricades" (from Hymns for the Broken)

09. Kardashev - "Compost Grave-Song" (from Compost Grave-Song)

10. Lucid Planet - "Entrancement" (from II)

11. Isis - "Wills Dissolve" (from Panopticon)

12. Skyharbor - "Evolution" (from Guiding Lights)

13. Solstafir - "Her Fall From Grace" (from Endless Twilight of Codependent Love)

14. Edge of Haze - "Remains" (from Remains)

15. Haken - "Nightingale" (from Nightingale)