Review by illusionist for Chthe'ilist - Le dernier crépuscule (2016) Review by illusionist for Chthe'ilist - Le dernier crépuscule (2016)

illusionist illusionist / August 09, 2019 / 0

Secret Message

I'll get straight to the point. It's urgent. Wart-infested alien cyborgs from the murkiest of swamp planets have decided to use death metal as the vehicle for their invasion of Earth. As you listen to this album, mechanical seeds silently worm their way through your ear canals, leaving behind a trail of gelatinous green ooze. Once they penetrate the innermost recesses, they implant themselves. The biomechanical seeds hatch and a foul pus-like moisture spreads, feasting upon the warm white matter of your brain. As the riffs, mechanically precise yet oozing with organic slime, captivate your mind, the seeds infiltrate your conscience. The aliens' gurgling laughs, chants and moans fill your thoughts. You think it is just part of music. Suddenly, as the methodical music reaches a climax, you can't help but let out a deep, primal croak. You are now one of them. Infected. Like me. You now serve the will of our hidden masters: to spread the parasite by exposing as many homo sapiens as possible to the otherworldy sounds of Chthe'ilist by writing reviews on RYM. The invasion has already begun.

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