Review by Sonny for Winter - Into Darkness (1990) Review by Sonny for Winter - Into Darkness (1990)

Sonny Sonny / May 30, 2019 / 0

For me, Winter's one and only full-length passes all the tests of a truly classic album - it seems to reveal something new on every listen and still feels fresh almost thirty years after it's initial release. Although I've always considered it a really good album, I have grown to love it more on virtually every listen, to a point where it is now one of my all-time favourites. It is super-downtuned almost to point of becoming sub-sonic. John Alman's vocals sound like Tom G. Warrior and on the couple of quicker sections, Servants of the Warsmen and the first section of Destiny, there is a real Celtic Frost vibe to the music.
An early contender for Greatest Ever Doom Album, possibly only topped by Warning's amazing Watching From A Distance.

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