Review by KosieKat for ...And Oceans - A.M. G.O.D. (2001) Review by KosieKat for ...And Oceans - A.M. G.O.D. (2001)

KosieKat KosieKat / June 02, 2024 / 0

The opening  of this album for me was like stepping into a cold swimming pool. I was kind of hesitant, and it took me a few minutes to warm up through the opening track. I thought that it would be a perfectly servicable, mid level album trying to use idustrial elements, nothing too offensive but noththing to really write home about.  However the third track, Tears Have No Name, is an absolute banger, and worthy of any playlist save, this ignited my excitement to listen through the rest of the album as I begun headbanging to the track and it continued through , as Espirit de Corps continues to pick up the pace  I couldn't help but grin, at hopfully  finding a great album to add to the rotation. As I finished my listen this was only confirmed as I enjoyed myself throughout although I know that may be a bit controversal considering the major shift with the last 3 songs. If you have not given ....And Oceans  A.M.G.O.D a listen yet, do yourself a favor, and do it. Now. Its an up tempo headbanging good time for most of the album that takes the industrial influence and melds it  so well with forceful driving Heavy Metal Riffs, while I will admit that the ending of the album, does do that thing that sometimes industrial bands do where they get a little happy with the umm tss bumm instrumentals when it came to the end of the album, you still should give a majority of the tracks a listen and even so, it doesn't hurt to just let it play out

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