Review by Shadowdoom9 (Andi) for PainKiller - Guts of a Virgin (1991) Review by Shadowdoom9 (Andi) for PainKiller - Guts of a Virgin (1991)

Shadowdoom9 (Andi) Shadowdoom9 (Andi) / April 30, 2024 / 0

PainKiller was formed in 1991, one year after the release Judas Priest's 1990 breakthrough album Painkiller. Whether of not this band was named after that Judas Priest release is anyone's guess. The band was known for their strange blend of avant-garde jazz and grindcore, and for the usage of saxophone by John Zorn instead of guitar.

Their most grindcore-ridden album, the debut Guts of a Virgin, originally had an album cover you might expect from some other Horde band, a woman shaven bald and disemboweled. When the album was shipped to the UK, the authorities destroyed all the copies shipped there because of that cover that was against the Obscene Publications Act. The second edition crops that photo to just show the woman's face and adds a disclaimer about the first edition's ban. That's the cover that appears in the release's page in the site (Thanks for choosing that, Ben!).

So this album has the most of the band's thrashy/deathly grindcore side, but when that sounds too screechy and the experimental jazz side is too bizarre with the saxophone sounding so tortured, this jazzy avant-garde grindcore mix isn't a good one. The only track I'm able to not cringe at is the doomy "Devil's Eye" in which the saxophone is used less frequently. For everything else, the weirdness is just too much, and not something I have the guts to explore more of....

Favorites (only one I like): "Devil's Eye"

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