Review by Ben for Grave - You'll Never See... (1992) Review by Ben for Grave - You'll Never See... (1992)

Ben Ben / April 29, 2019 / 1

It's quite difficult to review You'll Never See without making it sound redundant. After all, it doesn't really add anything to what multiple other Swedish death metal bands (such as Entombed, Dismember, Carnage etc.) were doing around the same time. In fact, it doesn't do anything that wasn't present on their own debut album Into the Grave. But that doesn't mean it's not an entertaining listen, even if it can't really be considered an important album in the development of extreme metal.

You'll Never See contains 8 solid crushing tracks with a bunch of top-notch riffs driving them along. The production is a bit cleaner than the intense debut album which gives the riffs a little bit more emphasis. The vocals are extremely guttural and while Jörgen Sandström may not show much in the way of variety, his performance is effective for this style of music. The drumming is adequate although he tends to fall back into one-two land a bit too often. While it's clear that Grave didn't do anything ground-breaking with this release, it is most certainly fall of dark atmosphere and enough quality tracks to make it worth picking up. Highlights for me are You'll Never See, Morbid Way to Die, Severing Flesh and my personal favourite Now and Forever.

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