Review by Shadowdoom9 (Andi) for Godflesh - Post Self (2017) Review by Shadowdoom9 (Andi) for Godflesh - Post Self (2017)

Shadowdoom9 (Andi) Shadowdoom9 (Andi) / February 06, 2021 / 0

Godflesh have made two amazing albums in the 2010s! They haven't sound this good since the early 90s. They went a little downhill with a few experimental albums and would eventually break up after 2001's Hymns.

Fast forward to 2009 and these industrial metal innovators reformed as a live band. It wasn't until 5 years later when they rewarded fans for their patience with their first EP and album in over a decade. I enjoyed A World Lit Only by Fire quite a lot, a straight throwback to their earlier sound. And here we are again with another golden album in 2017, Post Self! Their 8th album with strong conviction.

The title track opens with the band's classic sound; a pounding drum beat and simple heavy riffing. The soundscape is relaxing yet dissonant. Nothing's out of place! This cohesive sound is still doing well after all those years of experience. This is also proven in "Parasite". While "No Body" brings back the groove of Selfless.

Laying back the sounds a bit is the ethereal "Mirror of Finite Light". Though more industrial-driven, it's a nice break from the earlier monolith metal ambience. However, that returns in the doomy "Be God". Whereas "The Cyclic End" adds more spacey atmosphere, the kind to expect in Jesu. So things get a little more ethereal at this point of the album, and you're about to get more...

The trek peaks up with "Pre Self", continuing the spacey post-rock sound, to remind some of the sonic grief of early Swans. "Mortality Sorrow" recalls the band's earlier electronics, as G.C. Green's bass thunders through with his bass, bring something old into the new in a strange mix. For "In Your Shadow", I've talked before about how the earlier Godflesh material would inspire the sludgy vibe of Converge's You Fail Me, and that's recalled again there, though mostly dominated by hip-hop instrumentation. "The Infinite End" lets everything out from the band before ending with eerie synths, though it sounds like there should be more to come from the band. To be continued, I guess...

Whatever concerns me, Godflesh continues to impress us with the strength they've regained since their reformation. While they're all shorter than half the amount of songs from the previous album, more of the new ground has broken without too much force. Broadrick is so brilliant at putting together this industrial metal sound he's had since the late 80s. Whether old or new, Godflesh fans can find great pleasure in Post Self, and expect more of the best from the band in the future!

Favorites: "Post Self", "Mirror of Finite Light", "The Cyclic End", "In Your Shadow", "The Infinite End"

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