Review by Ben for Brutal Truth - Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses (1992) Review by Ben for Brutal Truth - Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses (1992)

Ben Ben / March 26, 2019 / 1

I can't say I like grindcore all that much, but this is plain awesome! Brutal Truth managed what so many other grindcore bands have failed to achieve and they did it way back in 1992. They made a constantly interesting album filled with variety in a genre known for being fairly one dimensional. Of course, there are heaps of grindcore clichés all over the place with combined guttural and screaming vocals, tracks that go for about 5 seconds, lyrics about politics etc. etc. But then there are also stacks of great doomy riffs and tracks like Time, that contains 6 minutes of extremely well-structured song writing as opposed to endless blasting.

Brutal Truth know exactly how to get you pumped up. They're happy to dwell in the dark and heavy depths before pumping into full on battering chaos. Kevin Sharp's vocals are perfect for this style with his death growls being the epitome of awesomeness. Scott Lewis' drumming is just about inhuman. But it's Brent McCarthy's riffs that really float my boat. Check out Birth of Ignorance, Denial of Existence, Time, Walking Corpse and Wilt for simply cracking deathgrind. If you're even slightly interested in the more extreme side of metal, go get this album. You won't regret it!

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