Reviews list for Adrift for Days - Come Midnight (2012)

Come Midnight

After being blown away by Adrift For Days crushingly heavy debut album "The Lunar Maria" I had very high hopes for the follow-up. "Come Midnight" is certainly another quality release but it takes a different approach to the debut. The band had previously built their wall of sound upon a ridiculously heavy doom metal platform whereas this release sees them pulling things back a notch to focus on a more textured approach that draws as much on stoner metal & post-metal as it does on doom. The droney parts are still there & so are the psychedelics although they're a touch more restrained. The result is a bit less bludgeoning but also more varied & introspective. Vocally things are a bit less aggressive for the most part & I'm not sure I that enjoy this approach so much as the powerful vocals on "The Lunar Maria" were a definite highlight for me.  

As with the debut, this is a 70 minute marathon but "Come Midnight" seems a bit longer due to some extended post-rock sections that can overstay their welcome at times. There are certainly some great moments & everything is put together very professionally but I think it lacks the overwhelming intensity of "The Lunar Maria". It's definitely worth a listen though. Adrift For Days are a class act & I get the feeling that they're only gonna get better.

Daniel Daniel / June 13, 2019 10:10 PM