Violator - Violent Mosh (2004)Release ID: 8424

Having ignored most thrash bands that have formed in the past couple of decades, I've lately discovered that there's more quality there than I'd previously assumed. Brazilian band Violator are yet another example of some dudes trying to replicate what their heroes were doing a generation prior, but they do so with admirable energy and an abundance of exciting thrash riffs. If you enjoy Exodus in their prime, then this will almost certainly provide a level of entertainment and comfort. I enjoy the first four tracks enough to rate this a bit higher, but there are some flaws with this EP that cause me drop my score down. First and foremost, the final two tracks were clearly recorded in a different session. I did some digging and discovered that they were actually recorded for a compilation a year prior. The production isn't as good and the songwriting is lacking in comparison to the other tracks on the EP to the point where I think it would have just been better without them. My second flaw is a bit more nitpicky, but Violator's tendency to include silliness at the end of tracks, such as the belch at the end of Thrash Maniacs and the apparent acoustic busker closing off the otherwise excellent The Plague Never Dies. As much as these flaws tarnish the experience for me, I still think Violent Mosh is deserving of 3 stars. I'll definitely check out their first full length at some point.
Release info
Thrash Metal |
Thrash Metal (conventional) Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |