Reviews list for Mercenary - Architect of Lies (2008)

Architect of Lies

I'd like to once again say that I wasn't fully interested in Mercenary until just a week before this review, despite having heard of this band for many years. I'm not sure why. But no matter the reason, I'm grateful to find some metal classics from this band, such as the fantastic The Hours That Remain. Will they continue to impress in their next album?

Their 5th album Architect of Lies is a sign of a different era. René "Renegade" Pedersen became the new bassist/death growler, and modern influences have started making their way to the usual power metal-infused melodeath sound. And this is the kind of style that should interest my brother who likes the more modern rock/metal bands. Many metalheads take a couple months to completely the greatness of an album into their minds, but me? It only took a quick but thorough week!

"New Desire" begins the album with the band's signature blending of heavy riffing and atmospheric keyboards. The verses are when you hear them use more alt-sounding riffing for the first time, which might turn off metal purists but lure in anyone who can handle modern variety (such as myself). "Bloodsong" has one of the best bridge sections in the album, in which the impressive soloing by lead guitarist Martin Buus will blow your mind and stay in there. At first listen of "Embrace the Nothing", all I can hear is some of the most fascinating work Mercenary has done. It almost sounds like an unused track from The Hours That Remain sessions, with melody of awesome wonders. A superb track that marks my favorite here. "This Black and Endless Never" is where Mikkel sings his best in the destructive heaviness without wasting any time.

I certainly approve of the godly soloing in "Isolation (The Loneliness in December)". That, along with the rest of the track, greatly pleases me. The guitars and keyboards have splendid harmony in "The Endless Fall". In the limited edition, that track segues into the bonus track "Death Connection". If you have that edition, consider yourself lucky. It's a must-have if you want more of the sound the album has to offer. And it actually works well in the middle of the album instead of the end where bonus tracks typically go. The next track "Black Hollow" is another highlight with more of the atmospheric keyboard melody.

Another song, "Execution Style" has killer heaviness while still mastering the pop-ish hooks appearing every now and then. "I Am Lies" has more of the modern riffing that has already caught in other melodeath bands like Scar Symmetry. "Public Failure Number One" has more thrashy variety. Then it ends the album with the last of the keyboards by Morten Sandager before he, his brother clean vocalist Mikkel, and drummer Mike Park all left the band the following year.

With Architect of Lies being the last album for those 3 albums and the first with René Pedersen, it is a transitional album between their earlier epic era and their recent modern era. And that's an awesome blend for anyone wanting both something old and new. Another amazing album any diverse metalhead should get!

Favorites: "Bloodsong", "Embrace the Nothing", "Isolation (The Loneliness in December)", "Death Connection", "Black Hollow", "I Am Lies"

Shadowdoom9 (Andi) Shadowdoom9 (Andi) / March 07, 2024 02:21 AM