Massacra - Enjoy the Violence (1991)Release ID: 7887

My initial experience with French death metal outfit Massacra came through their 1990 debut album "Final Holocaust" back in the day, a release that I really enjoyed & that encouraged me to keep abreast of the band's subsequent releases. I'd eventually give up on Massacra after their suitably titled 1994 fourth album "Sick" but there's certainly some quality to be found in Massacra's first three full-lengths, particularly the debut & their 1991 sophomore album "Enjoy The Violence" which is regarded as their finest work.
Massacra seem to have built a reputation as being a death/thrash hybrid in some parts of the internet but "Enjoy The Violence" doesn't offer much in the way of thrash. Instead, you can expect on authentic 1990's brand of death metal that earns its keep more from its atmosphere than it does technical proficiency. The performances are a touch loose at times (particularly that of drummer Chris Palengat whose chops weren't exactly brilliant at the time) but they do enough to provide the listener with the image of a dark & grisly world that doesn't lose face when compared with the Florida troop of the time.
The tracklisting is rock solid with no weak tracks included but the quality levels do start to fade a touch as you make your way towards the end of the album with the last three songs being the least impressive pieces overall. It almost sounds like Massacra were struggling to fill out the record & rushed a few tracks together in order to see things to a swift outcome but it's not a major problem as I really like the band's sound so those inclusions are still acceptable in the grand scheme of things. They do however see "Enjoy The Violence" only just managing to achieve my fourth full star which would have seemed like a foregone conclusion during the first half of the record.
Still... I can't see "Enjoy The Violence" not leaving the majority of the death metal community more than satisfied, particularly those that are always on the hunt for that highly celebrated early 90's sound. Dutch death metallers Thanatos, "Seven Churches"-era Possessed & fellow Frenchmen Agressor are some pretty decent points of comparison & if that sounds like your bag then "Enjoy The Violence" should be essential listening.
Release info
Death Metal |
Death Metal (conventional) Voted For: 1 | Against: 0 |