Reviews list for Impaled Nazarene - Suomi Finland perkele (1994)

Suomi Finland perkele

Another overrated Impaled Nazarene album that has very little to enjoy.

I'm sorry to poo-poo all over everyone’s party but Impaled Nazarene are hugely overrated. I simply can't get over how highly these albums are rated. For starters, these guys obviously never really gave a crap about what they were releasing. The first two albums were filled with idiotic moments and despite what many seem to think out there, don't remotely approach anything resembling darkness or evil for a second. On every Impaled Nazarene album there are tracks they showcase what the band can do when this tired formula kind of clicks (particularly on Ugra-Karma). They occasionally come up with a decent riff and hold it for a few minutes while the drummer goes nuts and Mika screams over the top to create mildly entertaining pieces of work. But the rest of their albums are filled with either entirely repetitive, boring black metal or atrocious attempts to branch out into electronica or rock n roll.

Suomi Finland Perkele does nothing to change my mind. While Steelvagina (yes, more immaturity on display) is perfectly decent and Blood is Thicker Than Water manages to work, despite its total lack of black metal, there is nothing else on the album worth remembering. Total War - Winter War has a couple of minutes of the band shouting "do you want fucking war, yes we want fucking war". Let's Fucking Die is terrible rock n roll with lyrics as stupid as the title suggests. With so much incredible black metal out there to listen to, why would anyone want to keep listening to albums like this one. The only truly great thing I can say about Suomi Finland Perkele is that it only runs for around thirty minutes. But that's half an hour more than I'm willing to waste on this album ever again.

Ben Ben / May 12, 2019 12:00 PM