Reviews list for Windhand - Soma (2013)


Soma is undeniably a superior recent doom release. The riffs are slab-heavy, perfectly complemented by Dorthia Cottrell's ethereal vocals. The whole album is excellent but, the final two tracks are the real stand-outs. The other-worldly feel to the vocals on track 5, Cassock, is added to by the addition, quite low down in the mix of, I think, electric violin (or an electronic reproduction of). The final, 30 minute, track Boleskine conjures up an image in it's extended fade-out of some huge Doom leviathan disappearing into the distance, it's titanic sound fading as it slowly grinds, glacier-like toward the horizon. If you love doom then you, most definitely, should check this album out.

Sonny Sonny / May 27, 2019 09:05 PM