Dismember - Massive Killing Capacity (1995)Release ID: 657

Dismember - Massive Killing Capacity (1995) Cover
Ben Ben / July 18, 2019 / Comments 0 / 1

Dismember try for a piece of Entombed's death 'n' roll pie with boring results.

Unfortunately, I think I made an incorrect statement in my Indecent and Obscene review. I praised Dismember for sticking to their guns while Entombed departed from the Swedish death metal sound they helped create. I hadn't heard Massive Killing Capacity at that time, but I couldn't help assuming it would also be another filthy slab of brutality, particularly considering the title and the excessive nature of the artwork. As it turns out, Dismember clearly wanted a piece of the more commercial pie that Entombed were gobbling up, and recorded an album that sounds awfully like Wolverine Blues.

The big problem for me is that I really don't enjoy Wolverine Blues or death 'n' roll in general for that matter. Just as on that album, the vocals are far cleaner than before, the riffs are more melodic and less chunky than on previous albums and the drumming is completely boring and pedestrian. In my opinion, Massive Killing Capacity is a huge step down in quality from the band's first two albums and a huge disappointment. There are some nice riffs here or there, of course, as these guys are never going to be terrible, but in the end it's all quite forgettable and lacking in actual death metal. I can't even pick out highlights as none of it really grabs my attention (although the In Flames worshipping Collection in Blood is bad enough to do so) after multiple spins.


Release info

Release Site Rating

Ratings: 6 | Reviews: 1


Release Clan Rating

Ratings: 5 | Reviews: 1


Cover Site Rating

Ratings: 5


Cover Clan Rating

Ratings: 4

Massive Killing Capacity
The Horde
Death Metal

Death Metal (conventional)

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