Reviews list for Behexen - The Poisonous Path (2016)

The Poisonous Path

The one thing you can guarantee from Behexen is consistency.  The authenticity of the Black Metal tapestries weaved by the Finnish stalwarts cannot be questioned. For over 20 years they have remained relevant without having to do very little in the way of variation.  ‘The Poisonous Path’ sees not only differentiation in sound and style but an obvious feel of structure to boot.

There are times on this record that Behexen sound like a blackened crust/hardcore band.  The core riff sound reminds me of Black Breath on more than one occasion in fact.  Yet at the same time there are tracks that attempt to soar up out of the murk and melancholy that weights their wings and rise like some blackened Phoenix from the burnt out remnants of Hades itself.

Closing track ‘Rakaudesta Saatanum’ is probably the best example of both the above tactics being deployed, with its solid structure and thumping drums being used well alongside more melodic and accessible guitar work to present a near perfect summary of what the record is all about.

Instrumentally the playing is strong and the mix and production jobs both allow all instruments to be audible without this feeling like a ‘sell out’ record from the band.  As someone who particularly enjoys the Finnish BM scene and the extremities it can stretch too I find the blend of ‘The Poisonous Path’ still very appealing despite it not just being about the all assault of a ‘Rituale Satanum’ for example

UnhinderedbyTalent UnhinderedbyTalent / April 17, 2019 09:39 PM