Reviews list for Thantifaxath - Hive Mind Narcosis (2023)

Hive Mind Narcosis

If I look at the success of Oranssi Pazuzu or even Jute Gyte in the avant-garde black metal stakes it is easy to understand the challenges of emulating that level of complexity without sacrificing the conventionl bm sound altogether.  No matter how much post-metal side salad gets served alongside the more esoteric and scathing core elements of the dishes in this marketplace, it remains very niche and difficult to break into.  Thantifaxath prove me theory really well with this their second full length.  Being a full nine years after their debut, Hive Mind Narcosis certainly sounds like it is the product of a vast selection if ideas.  Exploring the avant-garde and progressive elements as far as they can, Thantifaxath defintiely stretch themselves musically over these seven songs.

The guitars weave a diving and dizzying tapestry of knotted and tightly interwoven threads that you inevitably lose sight of as the more abrasive and aggressive textures of the rest of the instrumentation invade the space around them.  The time-changes and off-kilter rhythm keep you on your toes for sure and this is all done at a frenetic, near rabid pace for the most part.  The vocals are suitably throaty and monstrous, retaining that bm grimness perfectly throughout.  From the opening horror of Solar Witch through to the disorientating Mind of the Sun, Thantifaxath offer  real end-to-end experience of their musical repetoire.  Shrouded in mystery (no known line-up has ever been confirmed), Hive Mind Narcosis carves a very unique space for itself.

In all honesty though, after some five or six listens, I just cannot get under the skin of the record.  No matter how minimalist I make my surroundings (darked room, headphones on even), I just do not feel I can crack the surface of this album.  This maybe because it sets its stall out very early on, giving no build into its mesmerising nature, opting instead to immerse the listener immediately into its deviously cold depths.  Or it could be that it is just too damn intelligent for my little brain to comprehend, but however I listen to it I just cannot connect entirely with the release even though I acknowledge the brilliance that lies therein.  Even with my most well-honed BAN, Oranssi Pazuzu and Jute Gyte listening skills packed in my kitbag, I still cannot tap into any rich vein for me to suckle at.  One for a redux-review in later months I suspect.

UnhinderedbyTalent UnhinderedbyTalent / December 03, 2023 12:55 PM