Klone - Meanwhile (2023)Release ID: 42701

Klone are yet another band I have been blissfully unaware of until now. Meanwhile is the latest of the band's eight albums and is quite a nice album of progressive alternative metal. The band are very accomplished musicians, obviously, and their sound is highly polished, as is their songwriting, for me a little too polished. At first this sounded great, but as the album proceeded it felt so controlled that it came over like it was lacking in character and more than once I wished that the band would just let rip and let themselves go. Although it sounds quite proggy it doesn't really contain any extended instrumental sections, in the vein of a band like Riverside, which would make the whole a lot more interesting. As it is, it just sounds like an exceedingly professional collection of songs that pass by without me being able to make any emotional connection with, other than in a chin-stroking admiration for their musical adroitness, but that isn't enough for me to return to a record. Although I do genuinely admire the band's skill, I am unable to engage with Meanwhile on an emotional level, so no, it isn't really for me I'm afraid.
"A quasi progressive spot that was lacking on the new Katatonia record", huh? I'm up for the challenge of finding out if this album is more progressive than Sky Void of Stars has ever been. I mean, that's how I like a bit of alt-metal, isn't it? When it has that progressive edge... Yeah, let's see how this one flies in the progressive zone. (SPOILER: There is some strong progressiveness in this release!)
Klone has quite some brooding atmosphere in their music. And seeing how this band made 7 albums including this one in nearly two decades, I'm stunned by how little attention they've received, so much so that I haven't even heard of this band until now. Their new album Meanwhile shall keep you engaged to its technical emotion.
I won't object at all to "Within Reach" being the album's lead single. Guitars and bass sweep nicely under the powerful vocal harmonies of Yann Linger. The guitar reverb truly create some atmosphere with the sinister aggression. Standing strong is "Blink of an Eye" that will keep you tuned into the band's progressive alt-rock/metal sound. Subtle tones almost reach jazzy progressive territory while staying accessible. Somber guitar melody roams in "Bystander" within a progressive structure.
"Scarcity" is more mellow. "Elusive" has a blend of hopeful and hopeless tones, showing true emotions while never sticking in just one of them. "Apnea" stands by the average song length of over 5 minutes, while making interesting subtle changes in time signatures. The band can really have some confidence and control when it comes to that ability. The irregular time signature changes go further in the satisfying storm that is "The Unknown", and it's filled with cinematic delight! And I thought only Amorphis knew how to go all-out progressive in songs that are under 5 minutes long.
A bit sluggish after that monumental highlight, "Night and Day" meanders a bit while having some indulgence. "Disobedience" pulls things through a more direct pace with satisfying drumming. The title finale of the album descends into darker complexity, especially midway through when you can let go of any expectations and witness the unexpected magic happen. By the ending cacophonic climax, you feel up to giving that experience another go!
With this mournful yet powerful blend of guitars, bass, and vocals, Meanwhile shows how grand progressive alt-rock/metal can be. Despite a bit of hauling in a few tracks, you know how much confidence the band has when experimenting with darkness and light....
Favorites: "Within Reach", "Blink of an Eye", "Apnea", "The Unknown", "Meanwhile"
I had a really good time listening to the new Klone album Meanwhile. Having no experience with this band prior, I went in with very little expectations and came out with a fine display of progressive meets alternative metal. These two styles rarely meet as they do tend to be counterintuitive to one another, but Klone have found a way to write some very catchy pieces of music in the Katatonia vein, while still providing a more than vast display of variety and power through the compositions and songwriting. I'm really enjoying vocalist Yann Ligner's style and delivery here as is an obvious standout to set Klone apart from their influences. This record has the feeling of a record such as Retribution by Nightingale, but so much more than that.
Besides that, everything else leans into this bands favour for me; length of songs not outstaying their welcome, number of songs, length of the album, it all forms together into a neat, well performed package. One of 2023's first great records.
Best Songs: Blink of an Eye, Scarcity, Apnea, Night and Day
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Alternative Metal |
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