Reviews list for Trust Obey - Hands of Ash (1996)

Hands of Ash

I haven't given up on this industrial metal early-years journey after a soundtrack EP to brutal violence by Trent Reznor's NIN project. There's still one more heavy industrial metal trick up my sleeve... I like some of the 7 long progressive-length tracks in this Trust Obey album, though the album is overall in the same quality as SLAB's albums.

For the few highlights here, "Hands of Fire" is a killer tune. "Hands of Glory" is also worth part of the CD's runtime. However, what's really the best, probably better than some of Godflesh songs, is the terrifying beautiful bonus track in the original edition, "Larvatus". It is the final destination for this industrial descent into Hell, where horns, trumpets, and synths flow over the moans of founder John Bergin. It's so cathartic and almost epic! A grand ending to a heavy experience. Such a shame it's not on Spotify...

I guess you can say that Trust Obey is like a mix of Nine Inch Nails, Godflesh, and SLAB!, and it seems to have the same quality as the latter, a few winners here in an otherwise poor album. If you want the best of heavy industrial rock/metal, check out the highlights....

Favorites (the few highlights): "Hands of Fire", "Hands of Glory", "Larvatus"

Shadowdoom9 (Andi) Shadowdoom9 (Andi) / August 24, 2022 10:53 AM