Reviews list for Esoctrilihum - Consecration of the Spiritüs Flesh (2022)

Consecration of the Spiritüs Flesh

This is my first Esoctrilihum experience, so I can't compare it to the band's previous works. Apparently it's a one-man band though, with all instruments performed by someone going by the name of Asthâghul. That one person can create such a cacophony of sound is impressive to say the least, although it's worth noting that there's heavy use of a drum machine. It's a very organic sounding drum machine, but the speed and precision and pure joyful destructiveness are surely beyond human capabilities. On first listen of Consecration of the Spiritüs Flesh, it's difficult to hear much beyond intense blasting beats and demonic shrieks and roars, with the riffs and symphonic soundscapes working their way through on subsequent listens. It's for this reason that I've given the album many a spin in the hope that each of the seven tracks would worm their way into my subconsciousness, allowing me to enjoy everything it has to offer. I'm delighted to say that, for the most part, that's exactly what's happened. There are a lot of subtle additions that I find myself enjoying and looking forward to, most of which were not initially apparent. There are a couple of tracks (particularly third track Shohih) which haven't quite evolved far beyond the highly impenetrable and monotonous blasting ceremony that they appeared to be on first listen, but I now consider the album overall to be very enjoyable.

I do feel this release would have had a better flow if one of the final two tracks, which have more variation in speed and style, were moved up the tracklisting, but perhaps it was the intention of Asthâghul to beat the listener into submission before releasing the pressure and allowing them to ease their way out of the experience intact (note: the final two tracks are still intense). Anyone interested should check out opener Spiritüs Flesh and closer Aath to get a good idea of what this album has to offer. Personally I'm quite impressed, and keen to check out more Esoctrilihum releases. Recommended for anyone that enjoys intense bands like Anaal Nathrakh.

Ben Ben / July 18, 2022 03:34 AM