Reviews list for Devil Master - Ecstasies of Never Ending Night (2022)

Ecstasies of Never Ending Night

This Devil Master album has strongly reinforced why I should never judge an album on first listen. I was far from impressed with the punky Venom-like debauchery on offer, feeling fairly certain that I'd be dumping 2 out of 5 on this in a week's time. Little was I to know that each subsequent listen was going to reveal a surprising amount of memorable and enjoyable aspects that were initially overcome by my gag reflex. I must admit that the drumming is a big part of the problem, having that simplistic punk style that always rubs me up the wrong way, but boy there are some good riffs behind them. Nearly every track has really memorable and entertaining guitar work, turning what I thought was a one-dimensional album into one I found myself looking forward to returning to. I have no idea what deathrock is (this album is listed as Black Metal and Deathrock), but if closing track Never Ending Night is a good representation of it, it might be something I should check out. I totally dig this track! I can't quite push this into 4 star territory, but given my original impression, the fact that it's close tells me it might just get there given time. If you don't mind some punk in your black metal, then I recommend given Ecstasies of Never Ending Night a listen (or 5).

2022 RANKING (69 releases so far)

43. The Chasm - The Scars of a Lost Reflective Shadow - 3.5 stars

44. Devil Master - Ecstasies of Never Ending Night - 3.5 stars

45. The Halo Effect - Days of the Lost - 3.5 stars

2022 BLACK RANKING (31 releases so far)

19. Moonlight Sorcery - Piercing Through the Frozen Eternity - 3.5 stars

20. Devil Master - Ecstasies of Never Ending Night - 3.5 stars

21. Véhémence - Ordalies

Ben Ben / September 06, 2022 03:32 AM