Reviews list for Iced Earth - Days of Purgatory (1997)

Days of Purgatory

'Days of Purgatory' is a two-disc compilation of Iced Earth songs remixed and rerecorded with then current vocalist Matt Barlow. At the time, it was intended as somewhat of a greatest hits album, with the goal being to give new fans a taste of the bands older material, while giving older fans "improved" versions of classic songs.

As a whole however, I find this album pretty pointless, and continues a downhill trend the band had been on over the last couple of years. While their first two albums, 'Iced Earth' and 'Night of the Stormrider' are absolute classics of the power metal genre, I find the two albums prior to this compilation, 'Burnt Offerings' and 'The Dark Saga' to be hugely disappointing.

The honest truth is that I just prefer the original recordings. Gene Adam and John Greely's voices suited their material better, especially with the overall sound and production of their respective albums. I find all the new arrangements uninspiring, and more often than not, where Matt Barlow has recorded new vocal lines, I find his ones don't really suit the music as well as his predecessors.

It's not all bad though, I mean, Iced Earth still release some outstanding music, and even though they're not as good as the originals, the songs here are still decent efforts. 'Iced Earth', 'When the Night Falls', 'Angels Holocaust', 'Burnt Offerings' and 'Colors' are among some of the bands best works, as well as a reworked version of 'Written on the Walls' titled 'Cast in Stone' (though I'd stick to the original, myself).

Ultimately, 'Days of Purgatory' is a mostly irrelevant release. Personally I'd recommend the original versions of all these songs. And thankfully, judging by later compilations, these recordings are somewhat "non-canon", so they've not really replaced the originals, but merely become novelty re-recordings for fans and collectors.

MartinDavey87 MartinDavey87 / October 01, 2022 01:41 PM
Days of Purgatory

I love this album, almost as indispensible a thrash release to me as Master of Puppets or Reign in Blood. Re-recordings of most of IE's early catalogue with superior singer Matt Barlow on vocals. An awesome hybrid of classic-era Metallica and Judas Priest, this and follow-up Something Wicked This Way Comes mark the high water mark for the band. After that IE descended into power metal cheesiness and irrelevance. Luckily this will always stand as a monument to how great Iced Earth could be.

Sonny Sonny / May 31, 2019 10:52 PM