Reviews list for Black Veil Brides - The Phantom Tomorrow (2021)

The Phantom Tomorrow

The alt-metal side of Black Veil Brides is now at a greater level than before! Still not reaching the metalcore perfection of their debut, but getting closer. They decided to make another concept album in The Phantom Tomorrow, similar to Wretched and Divine and Vale but following a different story from that of The Wild Ones. So it seems the Black Veil Brides conceptual universe is expanding...

Ever since they dropped from their fantastic emo-metalcore to lame hard rock/glam metal, they were slowly climbing back up in maturity, and The Phantom Tomorrow was the best they've gone in 10 years. And they didn't go all-out experimental, they just stood by their sound, making the concept all about the story and lyrics.

The orchestral title intro sets the stage as dramatic melodies begin to appear. Then it's onwards to "Scarlet Cross", a rock-on track of melodic energy from the riffs and chorus. That shall get the crowd pumped in live shows. "Born Again" makes dynamic jumps back and forth from dramatic to anthemic. The blend of heaviness and melody is what keeps the quality high up. Heading into mid-paced hard rock is "Blackbird" with interesting lyrics, "Just look into the sky and you’ll be become the blackbird."

"Spectres" is another orchestral interlude, with some electronics added in. It segues to "Torch" which is a heavy track that almost, just almost, comes out as a power ballad. Some of the best aspects of the album come in with a melodic string-filled chorus and catchy lyrics. "The Wicked One" has the usual heavy riffing and drumming that leads into a mighty commanding chorus, "When the truth becomes your demon, how can you just keep believing?" The headbanging "Shadows Rise" is darker, heavier, and more progressive, as their 5+ minute tracks seems to be. The strings and riffs greatly catch up with the tempo changes. A compelling addition to the album's second half!

"Fields of Bone" returns to what makes the first two full songs so great; riffs, rhythms, and vocals that are all perfect for the live crowd. Then "Crimson Skies" is a heavy rocker while making room for melodic vocals and soloing. "Kill the Hero" slows down the heaviness for a dramatic march. The terrific closing track "Fall Eternal" is just like the title track of Vale, a slow ballad to end it all smoothly, while adding some adjustments to make things more interesting.

In the end, Black Veil Brides has truly showed what they're capable of when going the alt-metal direction. If you'd like to explore Black Veil Brides beyond their metalcore debut, The Phantom Tomorrow is the right place to start. Someone who isn't a BVB fan today would then become one tomorrow....

Favorites: "Scarlet Cross", "Born Again", "Torch", "Shadows Rise", "Fields of Bone", "Fall Eternal"

Shadowdoom9 (Andi) Shadowdoom9 (Andi) / March 31, 2023 06:38 AM