Witch Vomit - Abhorrent Rapture (2021)Release ID: 28773

Witch Vomit - Abhorrent Rapture (2021) Cover
Vinny Vinny / August 11, 2021 / Comments 0 / 0

Following 2019's sophomore album, Witch Vomit continue their trend for a full-length followed by an EP schedule with Abhorrent Rapture.  We get four tracks of cavernous death metal that is heavy on the Incantation vibe but still has that Swedish death metal underlying in the mix at the same time.  Sonics spiral as they dash across tracks like slashes of warped melody, but Witch Vomit are varied in their influences and kind just as easily drag tempos down to death doom-like monstrosity level as required.

Funeral Purgation staggers like a possessed coffin march to the grave for the most part, lurching in and out of different paces and dizzying the listener with frantic riffs when the foot is firmly pressed down yet still allowing for an appreciative nod along to the rhythm towards the end to lend an air of accessibility.  The short format works well for these tacks as although there is depth to them, you can just as easily leave this on in the corner for a quick blast of death metal to get the monkeys in your head all awake and ready to face the day.

Things get ugly with track three, Necrometamorphosis as a lingering sense of Autopsy's attitude permeates from the track.  Here though there is an oddly melodic and almost gothic prelude to the trademark blistering shot of sonics.  To close we get the straight up blasting fury of the title track and this is where Witch Vomit seem to be at their best, in their loudest and more extreme moments they seem unable to put a foot wrong.  Overall, they do not do anything that new or different with death metal though and this is another one of those releases that relies on little more than doing death metal well to be considered a success.


Release info

Release Site Rating

Ratings: 2 | Reviews: 1


Release Clan Rating

Ratings: 2 | Reviews: 1


Cover Site Rating

Ratings: 3


Cover Clan Rating

Ratings: 3

Abhorrent Rapture
The Horde
Death Metal

Death Metal (conventional)

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