Reviews list for Midnight Spell - Sky Destroyer (2021)

Sky Destroyer

Midnight Spell are a five-piece Floridian traditional heavy metal band and Sky Destroyer is their debut full-length, released on CD by new Polish label Iron Oxide Records. I actually enjoyed this a lot more than I expected to. It takes most of it's cues from the best bands from the NWOBHM - Maiden, Saxon, Angel Witch, Diamond Head etc and incorporates further influence from speed metal for an exuberant and exhilharating ride. I find too many trad metal albums are ruined by the vocal histrionics of power metal wannabe singers, but Paolo Velazquez has got a great tone to his vocals that constantly brought to mind Geddy Lee on Rush's heavier material like Beneath, Between & Behind and Bastille Day. The songs are anthemic with decent riffs and the solos aren't overblown or too frequent. There is an instrumental at the mid-point that is a little bit clunky, but this is the only real reservation I have. Obviously Midnight Spell aren't in the business of revolutionising heavy metal, not really bringing anything new to the table, but it is difficult to resist the infectious enthusiasm that leaks from the speakers during this fun forty minutes or so. Energetic and unpretentious metal that is made purely for enjoyment's sake - and there's nothing wrong with that, amigos.

Sonny Sonny / January 25, 2021 10:39 PM