Reviews list for Mutoid Man - War Moans (2017)

War Moans

Mutoid Man is perhaps one of the most diverse metal bands I've encountered. I'm not kidding when I say that you can over a dozen different genres in one offering. And everything is executed perfectly, so that's a rare bonus for a band of different styles. They can change colors like a chameleon while roaring like a lion. A chamelion! I wouldn't have discovered this fantastic band if not for one of my outside-world metalhead friends.

Indeed this blend of metal and classic rock will blow you away by sounding both catchy and heavy. War Moans continues the many terrific treats Mutoid Man has, with a bit of pop added to the mix just subtly.

Opening the album is "Melt Your Mind", with riffs and rhythms racing through alongside catchy vocals. This is pure classic heavy/speed metal not too far from Motorhead. "Bone Chain" continues that style, crashing along with more of the rough riffs and rhythms. "Micro Aggression" has rapid pulverizing drumming to give the speed metal sound some aggressive hardcore/thrash treatment. "Kiss of Death" is the first song in the album to have the slower bluesy stoner side of the sound. The guitars are heated up with the signature stoner fuzz. The drums can still sound intense without the speed, thus adding more balance to the overall sound of the album. Not many stoner metal songs stand out as a highlight for me, but that one does.

Following up is "Date With the Devil" that adds in some sleazy hard rock to their stoner metal then ends with a progressive breakdown. Back into the hardcore/speed metal side is the aptly titled neck-breaking whiplash of "Headrush" that gradually becomes more progressive, kinda like what Cave In used in Jupiter but more metallic. "Irons in the Fire" can be considered a wicked combination of the heavy metal of Iron Maiden and the speed/stoner metal of High on Fire. Then we reach the climatic title track that has more of the speed/thrash metal of Megadeth, even having former Megadeth guitarist Marty Friedman pull off wild shredding. Incredible!

"Wreck and Survive" takes on more progressive moods while crawling through bluesy stoner metal. You can hear the immense beauty of Chelsea Wolfe's guest vocals. "Afterlife" starts off with some stoner melody then launches into solid chaotic thrash/speed metal in the verses. "Open Flame" continues that sound with intense progressive punches. Finale "Bandages" may surprise some as a stoner/gothic doom ballad with emotional depth and background vocals by Chelsea Wolfe. So beautiful and somber!

War Moans is filled with the wild diverse fun you can expect from Mutoid Man. Everything heavy and catchy is in a perfect blend. They know how to reach higher heights with their sound of sounds. And there's plenty more where this came from!

Favorites: "Melt Your Mind", "Kiss of Death", "Irons in the Fire", "War Moans", "Wreck and Survive", "Bandages"

Shadowdoom9 (Andi) Shadowdoom9 (Andi) / March 03, 2024 02:03 AM