Element Eighty - Mercuric (2001)Release ID: 21481

Been feeling a bit nostalgic lately, and I listened to these guys self-titled album in high school and fell in love. Different times. I saw this on Spotify listed as a "new release" so I had to check it out. Come to find out this was their first album finally releasing on streaming. This is not good, even for 2001 especially with nu-metal near it's peak at the time. The mixing is terrible, the production is awful. Nothing here is what I wanted even for my rose-tinted glasses. Even the half decent songs that I do have the fond memories of are bastardized versions here that are played and remixed/remastered better on their self-titled album two years later. This one I will never go back to, and they did actually release an album as of this review in 2023 that albeit not great is so much better and mature than this one. Not worth the listen, a very sub-par whiney album.
Release info
Alternative Metal |
Nu Metal Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |
Alternative Metal (conventional) Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |