Reviews list for Waltari - Space Avenue (1997)

Space Avenue

Oh wow, another band I wish I had discovered sooner! Waltari is known for their huge blend of genres, with Space Avenue focusing on industrial/alternative metal. The album features a lineup with notable members including former Stone guitarist Roope Latvala, taking temporary place of Sami Yli-Sirniö who would also join Kreator, and drummer Janne Parviainen. Latvala and Parviainen would later join Sinergy, and the former would perform with Children of Bodom and the latter with Ensiferum. Absolutely solid!

As for the album, a fantastic lineup doesn't necessary show evolution to the band, but Space Avenue is still in the line of perfection. Manning the production is Front Line Assembly's Rhys Fulber, another reason for the album's slick audio appearance.

The space-thrash opener "External" has powerful riffing and a heavy bridge. Sounds like Latvala is having fun with his riffing before having his fun in his material with Children of Bodom. "Far Away" is a catchy poppy industrial metal single, with more of the cosmic keyboards and vocal fuzz. "Wolves on the Street" mixes a bit of the spacey prog-metal of Voivod with some rapping verses. The thrash-ish industrial metal track "Progression" progresses in heaviness with mechanical riffing though having a poppy chorus.

"Blind Zone" is another track I would recommend for fans of industrial/alternative metal. "Purify Yourself" has a bit of the experimentation of Candiria, though closer to the alt-metal sound that band would later have in What Doesn't Kill You... Adding to the experimental vibe is the beautiful cello courtesy of Apocalyptica (back when that group was still known as a Metallica cover band). "Stars" is a cover of a song by Rauli Somerjoki, and it certainly reminds me of bands Pain and Deathstars. A favorite track of mine, "Prime Time" rocks out with heavy mid-paced groove before incredible hyper-thrash soloing. And it all starts from an 8-bit video game-sounding intro.

"Main Stream" is anything but mainstream-sounding, continuing the heavy thrash. The crushing guitars performed by Latvala spawn technical riffing. Towards the end is some deathly thrash, probably the heaviest in this album! "Look Out Tonite" is more industrial with barely any metal heaviness, unless you count the bass. There's a little more of Apocalyptica's cello. Some might be reminded of Kong with vocals! "Walking in the Neon" continues the infectious dance-y sound with a bit of thrash. There's even some catchy female vocals by Anita Davis who sounds a bit like Tina Turner (RIP that rock 'n' roll heroine). "Mad Luxury" ends the album on a soft alt-metal note. A tame yet intriguing ending to another perfect album!

Throughout this release, Waltari shines with their thrashy industrial/alternative metal sound. I haven't yet listened to one of the band's other albums like Big Bang, but I can consider Space Avenue a big bang with its f***ing engaging style. The band had fun making their material, and so did I with listening to what they've made there!

Favorites: "External", "Far Away", "Blind Zone", "Prime Time", "Main Stream", "Walking in the Neon"

Shadowdoom9 (Andi) Shadowdoom9 (Andi) / May 29, 2023 11:14 PM