Reviews list for Unreqvited - Empathica (2020)


Unreqvited is a solo blackgaze project from Ottawa and this record continues a very quick release cycle for the artist and I found it to be quite enjoyable.

There is a keen eye and ear for dynamic swell and using it as an integral part of the songwriting. I really enjoy how these songs develop over time and, in the case of “Crystal Cascade”, perform the inverse; starting as a hectic atmospheric black metal piece, before cooling down for its relaxing conclusion. None of the tunes on this album feel forced, the longer tracks are balanced well with some well thought out ideas, and even the ambient soundscapes like “Heart of the Spectral Mountains” and “Dreamer’s Hideaway” are given the same razor focus and have some excellent build and tunes themselves.

The production is solid. Lots of wall of sound guitars, some pretty hefty bass lines, percussion elements that don’t sound overblown during the faster passages like on “Crystal Cascade”, and some pretty sweet orchestral elements as well. I will admit that some moments such as “Everwinter” do fall flat, but “Innocence” and “The Permafrost” have some really great orchestral elements. The vocals on this album are insignificant, since they are placed very far in the back of the mix, but consist of mostly screams and howls. I’m hesitant to call them good, but they don’t distract from the solid instrumentals on display here.

I really liked this new one from Unreqvited. It is certainly an acquired taste, but if you want to get lost in some very pretty post-metal/atmospheric black metal soundscapes, then you should check this out.

Saxy S Saxy S / June 03, 2020 08:15 PM