Trepalium - Voodoo Moonshine (2014)Release ID: 18017

This is my first time listening to Trepalium and I have to say it's been interesting to say the least. I'd noticed the avant-garde metal tag applied to it, so expected something out of the ordinary, but I wasn't at all prepared for what I got. I don't know if this is representative of what this French band normally produce, but what we have here is a mix of funk, groove and... I don't know... swing? That description's not really doing it justice, so let me try again. Can you imagine The Muppets doing a metal cabaret based on the film Metropolis? No? Well, Voodoo Moonshine may just scratch an itch you never knew you had!
Once I came to grips with the style, I've spent quite a bit of time letting it sink in before making any sort of judgement. The result is that I do quite enjoy this EP. At only 23 minutes in length, it doesn't overstay it's welcome, and the six tracks on offer are reasonably consistent in quality. That said, there are certainly aspects that grate on me, and despite the release having a very unique sound, it doesn't compete with the genius songwriting and hilarity of Mr. Bungle's debut (which I consider a distant ancestor). Points for something different though, and I'm certainly glad I've danced with these wangas!
Release info
Avant-Garde Metal |
Groove Metal |
Groove Metal (conventional) Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |
Avant-Garde Metal (conventional) Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |