Agvirre - Silence (2020)Release ID: 17966

Agvirre are a "post-black metal collective from Manchester", that appear to be a trio, and this is their first full release. Comprising a short intro and a couple of twelve-minute tracks, this is not a lengthy album, but, despite it's short runtime it manages to pack quite a lot in. It is atmospheric black metal with suitably intense vocals, battering drum sound and buzzing black metal riffing, but what really sets it apart is the almost constant overlay of violin strings that add a melancholy and disconcerting atmosphere. Other curveballs are thrown by an almost choral section over the driving main rhythm during Muzzle & Mask, a song that also incorporates some gothicky electronics and Abandonment has a number of abrupt changes in pace and intensity and quite a melodic feel with an atypical clean-sung ending. If Subrosa played black instead of doom metal, then they may well sound similar to this, kind of reminds me a bit of Solar Temple too. I find it a refreshingly unique and stimulating release in the ever-expanding multiverse that is modern black metal.
Release info
Black Metal |
Post-Metal |
Post-Metal (conventional) Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |
Atmospheric Black Metal Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |