Diespnea - Pneuma (2020)Release ID: 17662

Pneuma is the debut album from Italian duo Diespnea and takes the form of melodic atmospheric black metal that sure can blast, but equally, is not afraid to slow it down. Never quite becoming blackened doom, it flies pretty close occasionally. Opener Immortale starts things off in high-tempo mode with a viking metal chorus early Enslaved would be proud of. Nostos Algos is one of those slower tracks and is a bit of a builder to the mid-point when it really lets rip before desending back down the tempo scale. My favourite is Naufragio which has the doomiest section of any track on the album at it's beginning, before erupting in an all-out black metal blast that is reminiscent of early-days Darkthrone. Closing track Gorgoneion has a mournful air to it, despite the blasting, due to the morose-sounding piano that accompanies most of the song, before bursting in with an almost hopeful ending as the guitar soars and soars...
A black metal album that has plenty to offer any fan of the genre and serves as a calling card for a band that may well be worth keeping an eye on.
Release info
Black Metal |
Atmospheric Black Metal Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |