Reviews list for White Zombie - Make Them Die Slowly (1989)

Make Them Die Slowly

White Zombie’s “Make Them Die Slowly” holds the title of best Groove Metal album of the 80’s… because it was the only Groove Metal album of the 80’s. Thrash and Alternative Metal undertones run through it, as does some Noise and Industrial influence. The music and production are both sub par, and the vocals range from tolerable to not so much. Every song is way too long for the amount of substance they offer. However, they do get some credit in that when the songs kick into faster and heavier territory, they are actually pretty damn good. Rob’s vocals play into this as well, as he’s much better when yelling angrily than trying to sing or do whatever else.

Well, that’s just the Thrash influence talking. The majority of this album is sub-par Groove. Probably influential, and still manages to be somewhat unique, but that doesn’t make it great.

SilentScream213 SilentScream213 / November 05, 2020 07:18 AM