Jordablod - The Cabinet of Numinous Song (2020)Release ID: 16336

This is sophomore record from Swedish black metal band Jordablod and I am very impressed by the musicianship put on display here. The guitar work on this album is very damn solid and reminds me some of the most popular names in black metal of years past. The vocals are pretty intense and have just the right amount of reverb to contribute to the ethereal atmosphere that is on display here. The percussion is pretty solid as well, even if there are a couple of moments where it does sound like it is being drowned out in the mix.
The compositions are fresh and exciting. I really enjoyed the acoustic/clean guitar sections that lead you on with a false sense of calm before the distorted guitars, percussion and vocals enter. And they are balanced exceptionally well on this album. And I also really like how the guitar is given plenty of opportunity to branch out and take a melodic role, providing some excellent melodies that are anchored by some pretty decent bass work.
This is just a very pretty sounding black metal record, or at least as pretty as a black metal record can sound. The songwriting on display is well thought out and put together, the mixing does not feel forced or sloppy, and every member of the band show off a very strong display of musical proficiency. This is certainly one of 2020's first bright patches in black metal. Take the time and check this out!
Release info
Black Metal |
Black Metal (conventional) Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |