Wormed - Krighsu (2016)Release ID: 13074

Unfathomable is defined as something "incapable of being fully explored or understood". Now that isn't to say that I find Wormed's latest release incomprehensible, no far from it. It is - as expected - a blistering assault of technical death metal full of crisp yet crushing riffs and vocals so guttural they surely dislodge the vocalist's internal organs.
The sheer level of attention that is required to track everything that is going on is mind blowing however. Over ten tracks, Wormed tell a story that whilst obvious as a concept is not going to fall under the familiar structure that we were all taught at school of having a beginning, a middle and an ending. These three elements are all there of course ,but there is a huge swirling tempest at the very core of everything Wormed do that takes the assured form of a story or a journey and disperses it into abstract chaos.
It is this spiralling mass of complexity and multi-level auditory assault that sets them apart from other bands that fall under the neat pigeon hole of Tech DM. Personally I don't find them that technical in the obvious sense as they have also managed to apply the sheer guttural and barbaric raw intensity of Brutal DM to their sound. Usually when I hear a "tech" record I nod appreciatively like I am admiring the robust body of a fine wine. When I listen to Wormed my nodding is more akin to drinking a fine craft ale only with semtex popping candy also on my palate to really keep me on my toes. My point is that clever instrumentalists they undeniably are they are also full of energy and are actually fun to listen to as well.
If you liked "Exodromos" you'll love "Krighsu" as to be honest it is more of the same, which although is not a bad thing is also perhaps the main quibble I have with it. I remember loads of "Krighsu" long after it has finished playing but I can't really separate it structurally from "Exodromos". I am perfectly happy to consider it an extension of the sophomore release though because as raging death metal beasts come, few are as capable as "Krighsu".
The mental song titles are still present. "Agliptian Codex Cyborgization", "Computronium Pulsar Nanarchy" and "Zeroth-Energy Graviton" are fine examples of songs that even if you could understand the lyrics you still wouldn't understand what the hell the song is about regardless. The production is crisp and clear and yet never feels overwhelming or smothering the ferocious brutality of the sound. The drumming is as manic as you'd expect (previous drummer Riky having made way for G-Calero) and the riffing takes a special set of hands to deliver it's staccato style. Ever present of course are the vocals. Phlegeton has endless props having been involved with nine other acts during his time. He's as strong as ever on "Krighsu" gurning out his trademark guttural emanations on astronomy, astrophysics, psychosis and Sci-Fi.
There are a couple of other minor quibbles that I have. During second track "Neomorph Mankind" I hear what I can only describe as the Wormed equivalent of a "wicka wicka" (or whatever it is young, happening folk call it nowadays) towards the end which seems out of place. I also find "Eukaryotic Hex Swarm" to a bit meandering and almost distracting to the whole flow of the record as it is slap, bang in the middle of proceedings. That aside however, "Krighsu" remains a triumph. It is a brilliant addition to an already healthy discography and one that you really need to make a purchase of as soon as your pocket allows.
Release info
Death Metal |
Technical Death Metal Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |
Brutal Death Metal Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |