Reviews list for Goatlord - Reflections of the Solstice (1991)

Reflections of the Solstice

There's one big flaw that drags this otherwise very good album down, and that is of course the drum sound. I've never heard such fake sounding drums on an album, Metal or otherwise. Yes, it is an electronic kit, and that becomes way too obvious on the fills especially.

Now that we've got that out of the way, how about the songs themselves then? They're really good actually. This is some of the most atmospheric, doomy Death Metal I've heard, and the guitar sound is HEAVY to boot (how much distortion is there?). Most of this is indeed very slow, they hit higher tempos occasionally but not for very long.

If you can look past the admittedly terrible sounding drums, this is actually a very good album. It has that aura of total darkness that discerns the best Death/Black Metal from the sea of mediocrity surrounding it.

Oh, and one last thing before I completely forget it, why the hell is one of the songs called Chicken Dance?

DeathForceOne DeathForceOne / November 30, 2019 06:48 PM