Reviews list for Twilight (USA) - Monument to Time End (2010)

Monument to Time End

It's quite refreshing to hear a black metal band incorporating other influences as well as Twilight have done here. The sludgier elements don't seem out of place or take away from the darkness of the sound. "Monument To Time End" provides me with great hope for the next Twilight release because although all of the ideas here didn't hit the nail on the head, the ones that did were spot on. I was blown away by the quality of tracks like "The Cryptic Ascension", "Fall Behind Eternity" & "Red Fields" which display depth & maturity as well as brutality. I'm a big fan of N Imperial's vocals which are as searing & aggressive as any on the planet. Unfortunately I found the faster tracks like "8,000 Years" & "Convulsions In Wells Of Fever" to be very sloppy, generic & ineffective. The vocals are also far too low in the mix on these tracks. I'm willing to bet that these tracks are the older ones & the brilliant opening tracks are the newer ones which incorporate newer influences. I'll be very interested to see what Twilight offer us in the future.

Daniel Daniel / September 24, 2019 09:44 AM