Lör - In Forgotten Sleep (2017)Release ID: 12479

Subtle, enchanting warmth
Lör's sound is a gust of warm autumn air to the face. Refreshing and exhilirating.Halfway through "Dusk" I knew I would love In Forgotten Sleep even though the opener barely scratches the surface of everything packed into this debut.
Best described as a smooth blend of the best characteristics of folk metal, prog and power metal, this album should immediately lift Philadelphia-based Lör to the top of the burgeoning U.S. folk and progressive metal scenes. That said, an apt comparison is actually Danish vets Wuthering Heights because of the manner in which Lör simultaneously integrate prog technicality and subtle folky melodicism into the "Epic Power Metal" framework. At the same time. Think of this album as Wuthering Heights but with even more straight-up prog metal moments and much less fantasy cheese. And smoother clean vocals. And occasional screamed vocals. And a warmer, more modern-sounding production. Okay, okay, so maybe they're not so similar after all!
In fact, I think Lör have discovered a fairly unique sound already on only their first album. They'll remind you of the relaxed folk metal vibe of Skyclad at times, Dream Theater at others, and Equilibrium or power metal like Sonata Arctica or Stratovarius still at others. Lör can effortlessly trade off between tranquil keys and fast/furious shredding, between soothing lullaby melodies and fanatical yells... and even between bass-popping prog grooves and spirited folk-metal swings. Yet, somehow, all of this is not scattershot. These songs very much sound like they were destined to be played together, in this precise order, despite the large amount of stylistic ground they cover. Seamless from front to back, united by that lovely warm atmosphere (it matches that damn cover perfectly) and wonderfully emotive vocals/lyrics.
The way it's all crafted together makes the songs grow and feel alive. Combined with delightfully catchy melodies and what seems to be an overarching lyrical theme of fighting through struggles (personal or otherwise) to find a sense of purpose and you have a truly compelling and victorious album.
Release info
Folk Metal |
Progressive Metal |
Progressive Metal (conventional) Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |
Folk Metal (conventional) Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |