Reviews list for Vanum - Burning Arrow (2017)

Burning Arrow

The (current) middle release in the Vanum back-catalogue lacks any of the promised brilliance of the debut and feels like a half-arsed effort to just record a couple of tracks one wet weekend in March.  The endless wailing tremolos just hang like some dense smoke in the air leaving an eventual acrid taste at the back of your throat.  None of the three tracks on offer glean much in the way standout moments and so the experience just feels like a real drag to sit through - even if only for twenty four minutes.

Without anything in the way of song progression or expansion things just become staid and flat despite the melodic pummeling of the riffs seemingly trying to force some hope through the dull hue of a frankly pointless release.  A step backwards following a promising debut whose potential is still not realised by the third release also.

UnhinderedbyTalent UnhinderedbyTalent / July 15, 2020 05:03 PM