Reviews list for Nightbringer - Apocalypse Sun (2010)

Apocalypse Sun

Legendary US black metallers Nightbringer's second full-length release "Apocalypse Sun" is like one long wall of sound for the most part with the guitarists showing no restraint. Pure blasting black metal in the vein of Dark Funeral/Marduk that is full of intensity. The tremolo-picked melodies are not exactly ground-breaking but they're effective nonetheless (even though the higher pitched stuff sounds a little out of tune at times). The kick & snare sounds could certainly be less clicky as they tend to make the impressive drumming sound a bit artificial. At 66 minutes in duration, "Apocalypse Sun" is a challenging listen (especially when the huge wall-of-sound production tends to make the tracks a little indistinguishable from each other) but I'm a big fan of pure evil black metal & this album is full of it. Not for the faint hearted.

Daniel Daniel / August 07, 2019 11:03 AM