The Hall of Judgement: Ayreon - Into the Electric Castle: A Space Opera

Rexorcist has requested that this release be submitted into the Hall of Judgement. If you agree with the below change request, vote YES. If you don't, vote NO.

Request: Ayreon's "Into the Electric Castle: A Space Opera" album should be removed from The Infinite & added to Non-Metal.

This change will remove the Progressive Metal genre from the release.

Member comment: "Ayreon's third album might appeal to metalheads, but I hardly think it's metal at all. The vast majority of these songs are way too light, especially in the first half. I'm noticing more of a Deep Purple/Jethro Tull influence in a lot of these prog songs. The only song in the first disc that truly felt metal to me was Isis and Osiris, and after that the first half is pretty much rock all the way from tracks 3-9. It kind of becomes a metal album again at track 10, but many of the metal songs in the second half have a tendency to switch between this nostalgic organ-heavy sound of a lot of classic rock and actual metal. So, the only metal tracks on the album for me (and it can get questionable) are 3 and 10-15, leaving 10 tracks in either rock or some other genre tackled by a two-minute musical segue in the story. So prog metal is more of an important secondary than a primary.

I still recommend you check out this album, though. It's a very cool story with a very nice retro vibe."

NOTE: Only members of The Infinite can vote on this judgement. Once 15 votes of Yes or No have been entered, the Hall will make its judgement.

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The Infinite
The Hall of Judgement: Ayreon - Into the Electric Castle: A Space Opera Cover